Wednesday 6 July 2011

Today is the beginning of my weight loss journey.  Having been very overweight since my teens, I need to do this for so many reasons.  The most important reason is not only for my health, but for the chance to have a baby.  I suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which makes it hard for me to become pregnant.  Weight loss will greatly increase my chances of having children, and at aged 30, I don't want to wait too much longer to start having kids. 

I have started this blog, because I need something to keep me accountable and I would like to document my progress.  In the last couple of years I have managed to lose around 15kg (33 pounds).  It's an estimate because at my highest weight I was too fat to be weighed by my old scale!  I don't own a scale at the moment, but I have gained some weight back over the last 6 months.  I'm too much of a wuss to get myself weighed, so I am going to make getting a scale one of my rewards to sticking to my new way of eating.

The method I have chosen is a lowish carb (under 100g a day) diet, with moderate exercise for now.  I've found from my previous attempts at losing weight that lower carb diets work well for me because it curbs my hunger and I think my previous high carb diet is what has led me to being so overweight.  I have tried many diets, from just calorie counting and eating what I want (always hungry), to a full on atkins diet (can't handle no carbs!) and with some success shake diets (works if you can stomach shakes everyday).

I have a few weeks supply of celebrity slim shakes that I am going to utilise to kick-start my weight loss, then I plan to just eat lower carb (no bread, pasta, potatos), with lots of unprocessed protein, veggies and a small amount of fruit.  I love cooking and trying new recipes, which will come in handy with coming up with lower carb, healthy yet yummy meals.  I am aiming for 1500 or under calories a day, combined with some excerise on most days.

So, today is the start of my weight loss journey, I expect it will no always go smoothly, but as long as I don't give up when I make a mistake like I have in the past, I know in the end I will reach my goals.


  1. congrats on having your plan set out. I just started my blog as well and am so glad to find so many others on a similar quest. I strongly believe I would just die without carbs.... really :0)

  2. Congrats on beginning your journey...I just recently started doing the same. Check out my blog too :) I'd really love to have a few followers (as I'm sure you would) to help me be accountable. I also suffer from PCOS and I'm hoping that I'll be able to start a family in the near future. Cant wait for you next post!
